Sunday, November 10, 2013

the college app feels

when i start thinking about college:

cause i get to move out

and have no curfew

but then i start filling out the application,

and they keep asking stupid questions like "what do you want to major in?"

and then its like "hey you have to write us three essays."

so me and my friends take a break, and then we start talking about how we get to be roommates

so i go back to the college application

and it says "put in all of your community service hours."

and then they're wondering if i'm married,

and then they want to know why i want to go to college,

and then i'm finally done!

and then its like "give us $40."

so i go to my mom,

she gives me $41 for my application and an ice cream.

and that's it.

and then my mom says "okay time for the next one."

yay college.

nothing gold can stay,
susan e.


  1. I don't think I have ever related so closely to a blog post. Amen sister.

  2. Hahahah YES! This is SO true! You seriously want to shoot yourself in the face. Holy just spoke to me with this and made me laugh really hard (on the inside because I'm in class and I have a hideous laugh so I don't want to laugh out loud haha) Thank you!

  3. I'm like trying to hide all the laughter while reading this. well done.

  4. Hahaha I LOVE THIS POST! ITS SO TRUE! This pit a smile on my face, well done :)

  5. You know your Gif's well. I can appreciate that. Really enjoyed this one!

  6. I usually hate when people use so many Gifs but AH. This was amazing!


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