You're waiting for your friend to text you back, your phone's your mom.
That's okay, they're probably really busy!
Aforementioned friend later posts a pic including 1+ mutual friends hanging out.
"That's fine, I got to stay home and finish my book!"
You got work off so that you and your friends could do something fun, but they cancel at the last minute.
"No problem! I got to spend some quality time cleaning!"
You find out about an engagement on instagram, even though you've been close friends for years.
"It's an exciting time, it probably slipped her mind!"
You give consistent love and support to a friend for months and months, and when they come home they ignore you, choosing to spend time with other friends.
"I understand! You have a lot of catching up to do, seeing as you haven't spoken to them for a year!"
You rearrange your time with your family to make time for friends, who cancel last minute to be with their family.
"Of course I'm not mad! How can I be? Family comes first!"
You are excited for your sister to come home and spend time with you, but when she comes home she wants to watch a movie alone.
"Okay, have fun, I'll just be next door in my room if you need me!"
Friend: "Suzy! I haven't seen you if forever! How are you? We need to hang out!"
Me: "I miss you! Do you want to do something tomorrow? Or Friday? Or any day next week? I can come to you!"
Friend: "Oh, well I have to work tomorrow, and study for a test on Friday, and all next week I'm busy. What about next month?"
Me: "what about next year?"
Friend: "What?"
Me: "Next month is fine! Just let me know!"
Friend: "Sam are you okay?"

I feel this so personally. Me too, me too..